Transform Insecurity into Unshakeable Confidence

The Zen Zone Mastery Program created by former Zen Monk Allan Knight is for high-achieving individuals who feel held back by stress and self-doubt, and are eager to conquer their fears to unlock a life of confidence, success, and inner peace.


Sign up today and get this training and group coaching program for only $19.97/month for 12 months. Program is valued at $1,164!




Largely due to Allan’s coaching and powerful Zen Zone Mastery program, my life has been completely transformed!

His approach was both firm yet compassionate as he helped me to eradicate a life long victim mentality and as well as get through a messy divorce.

He also provided me with the tools and skills I needed to create beautiful relationships with my children and friends, and mostly with myself. More recently he has encouraged me to finally write my book, which I’m happy to say has begun. If you are looking to transform your life, connect with Allan. I cannot thank him and recommend him enough.

- Elaine McLelland


I met Allan Knight at a very difficult time in my life.

I tried reading self help books, attending motivational seminars but nothing actually helped me get out of my funk.

Then a friend introduced me to Allan, and I am forever grateful.

There are a lot of coaches out there but trust me that Allan is the real meal deal. His wisdom and compassion along with his practical and powerful Zen Zone Mindset program transformed my fears, insecurities and stress into life changing confidence and success. Thank you Allan!

- Lisa Spillman


I can categorically say, that Allan Knight has had a profound impact on my life. As a high achiever most of my life, like many others, I suffered through some pretty hard times both professionally and personally.

Oh I immersed myself into self development but nothing really worked, and while I was at my wits end, I was introduced to Allan. Working with him literally turned my life around.

He is a great listener who really cares about you and most importantly I was continually blown away by his wisdom and insights and practical solutions.

His Zen Zone Mindset program has not only impacted me greatly but now I have self coaching system for life. I cannot recommend him more highly!

- David Chalk

Here's a truth bomb...

Handling all the stress in your life while showing up as a confident version of you is HARD.

You’re Doing the “Fake It ‘Til You Make It” Approach

Wearing a façade of confidence day after day drains your energy and authenticity, making it difficult to connect genuinely with others and leads to a cycle of increased stress and isolation.

You Try to Live Up to Everyone’s Standards

Trying to meet everyone’s expectations often means you’re putting too much pressure on yourself, which can lead to feeling overwhelmed and burned out.

You’re Trying to Do This Alone

Trying to handle stress by yourself can be lonely and makes everything harder. You push away support and collaboration because you see this as exposing weakness.

Introducing the Zen Zone Mastery Membership Program

An inner fitness coaching program built for high-achieving individuals like you!

Learn how to live your life fully without the inner roadblocks. Consistently show up as the confident version of you that creates happiness and success from the inside out.

No more…

❌ being paralyzed by self-doubt which stops you chasing your dreams

❌ living with the fear of failing or never measuring up to what others expect from you

❌ feeling crushed by the need to be the person who seems always in control

Join today and get more than 70% OFF on a course that will deliver way more than your investment.

Regular Price $97/month for 12 months

NOW ONLY $19.97/month

Get access to these incredible life-changing lessons!

Zen Zone Mindset Method

Embark on a journey to self-mastery with our signature 9-step formula. Discover powerful and practical tools to cultivate a calm mind, unshakable self-confidence, and deeply connected, heart-centered relationships..

Self-Coaching System for Life

Unlock the keys to self-empowerment that equips you with lifelong tools. This self mastery system ensures that you can independently foster your own development and success indefinitely.

Heart-Centered Action Plan

Step into your power with an action plan tailored to your unique life situation. Learn how to achieve goals aligned with your deepest values and live the life you desire.


Join an engaged and supportive community of like-minded individuals. 

Share your journey, gain insights, and find encouragement as you connect with others who are also on the path to self-mastery. 

This collective wisdom and camaraderie are invaluable resources as you navigate your personal growth.

Bi-weekly Group Coaching Calls

Stay motivated and on track with bi-weekly coaching calls that provide personalized guidance and accountability. 

These sessions are your opportunity to ask questions, refine your techniques, and celebrate your progress with direct support from your coach and peers.

Scroll down to see everything you get access to...


Zen Zone Mastery Program

Membership Curriculum

Step 1: Self-Mastery Assessment

  • The first step in your personal development journey is to have the courage and willingness to look in the mirror and take stock of your life.

  • This section is for you to identify your strengths and weaknesses and be able to chart your personal progress throughout the course.

  • Participants are encouraged to re-do this exercise every month so as to enjoy the benefits of watching your scores increase.

Step 2: The Art of Letting Go

  • This section is designed to help you let go of the emotional and psychological blocks that keep you from living the life you truly desire.

  • Before you fill your life with positivity you need to root out the things that keep from realizing your full potential.

  • The good news is that you will learn a simple yet powerful technique that will enable you to free yourself up from much of the toxicity, faster than you think.

Step 3: Life's Blueprint: Unveiling Your Path

  • This section helps you get crystal clear on your dreams, goals and direction in life. Clarity precedes action.

  • Now that you have cleared away the emotional and psychological blocks, it’s time to replace the negativity with positivity.

  • It all begins by getting super clear on the kind of life you truly wish to live, and you achieve that by accessing a powerful ‘Visioning Process’.

Step 4: Releasing Your Inner Power

  • In this section you will access powerful inner muscle building exercises that will literally transform your life from the inside out. You will learn to transform any negative beliefs you have into positive ones through a 3-part inner fitness exercise.

  • You will also learn to channel your emotions from fear, stress, anxiety and anger into passion, love and inner joy.

  • Learn how to tap into your Zen Zone mindset so as to achieve a deep level of inner peace, contentment and presence of mind. With this new found self confidence, you are ready to take on the world.

Step 5: Taking Control of Your Destiny

  • This section is all about putting all that you know into action. Step 4 provides you with the tools to strengthen your inner core, your mindset, so needed in order to take effective action in your life. Step 5 is about creating your desired lifestyle.

  • You will access to tools such as a personal accountability system which will help you get on track and stay on track. You will also learn how to use a powerful prioritization exercise to help you make best use of your time. Finally, you will learn how to be in an ongoing support system by having a success partner.

Step 6: Busting Through The Barriers

  • In this section, you will learn to navigate and master the obstacles and challenges that co me your way. You will learn powerful self mastery exercises that will help you achieve a high level of inner freedom.

  • No matter how good you feel about yourself, sooner you will face obstacles in your life that come from the outside and inside your own mind. These challenges are never fun, and generally create pain. Through the self mastery exercises, you will learn to avoid becoming a victim of them but rather use them to overcome adversity and build inner strength, character and true self mastery.

Step 7: Keys To Manifesting What You Want

  • You will learn how to release your personal magnetism and live in a state of harmony, synchronicity and inner freedom. Steps 1-7 are all about empowering you, learning to accept, love and respect yourself, the key to all of your relationships both business and personal.

  • In this section, you will learn advanced motivational techniques that will release the full power of your intuition and wisdom. You will tap into that ‘zen vibe’ which will become noticeable to all those around you and you learn to connect effortlessly with others.

Step 8: Mastering Communication Skills

  • Steps 1-7 were all about learning how to accept, love and respect yourself, which lays the perfect foundation for attracting and maintaining quality relationships both in your professional and personal life.

  • This section is about mastering your communication skills. You will learn how easily connect with anyone anytime, anywhere. You will learn how to build trust with others, connect authentically.

  • You will learn how to master listening skills, understand personality types and how to navigate conflict with others.

Step 9: Making Your Mark On The World

  • This section is all about creating a legacy circle, a mastermind group to support each other in making a difference in the world.

  • When you feel great about yourself, and begin to experience fulling relationships with others you set the stage for living a happy and successful life.

  • With personal fulfillment comes an innate desire to help others and truly impact the world around you. Legacy Circles helps you to achieve that.



Join an engaged and supportive community of like-minded individuals. 

Share your journey, gain insights, and find encouragement as you connect with others who are also on the path to self-mastery. 

This collective wisdom and camaraderie are invaluable resources as you navigate your personal growth.

Bi-weekly Coaching Calls

Stay motivated and on track with bi-weekly coaching calls that provide personalized guidance and accountability. 

These sessions are your opportunity to ask questions, refine your techniques, and celebrate your progress with direct support from your coach and peers.

Client Feedback


I am astounded by the personal growth I have experienced working with Allan as a coach. Not only have I blasted through issues that were holding me back since childhood, but I have also learned to step into the light and allow myself to be seen, heard and even celebrated. The personal transformation that has taken place within me has been a deeply joyous blessing.

- Celeste Avelin


Allan Knight is an amazing coach and mentor. I feel better every time I speak with him. His energy, passion and enthusiasm are infectious. More importantly, his wisdom is profound and his teaching methods are practical and effective.

He has not only helped me get through some tough times in my life but has significantly contributed to my bookkeeping business.

I have also recommended Allan to many of my clients who have experienced record sales after hiring him.

I highly recommend Allan's program to anyone who is serious about taking their life and business to the next level!

- Michelle Pereira


Allan had been recommended to me by a friend when I was feeling stuck in my life. Boy am I happy they did! His program helped me to get out of my own way! As a direct result of working with Allan I have achieved a lot more success both personally and professionally. Overall, I have a much better quality life. I would recommend Allan to anyone who is truly ready to do the inner work required to live their dreams.

- Lynn Goodacre

Meet Your Mentor

Allan Knight has been a Life and Communication Coach for over 25 years. As a former Zen Monk, he has created a unique training formula to help us find inner freedom within this chaotic world.

His system helps us fast track our personal development journey toward self mastery, self confidence and influencing and impacting others.

He obtained a Master's degree in Education from McGill University in Montreal where his thesis was all about ‘mastering our relationships with others by mastering the relationship we have with ourselves'.

Allan is the creator of the Zen Zone Mindset Training, and author of Mind Gone Wild - Finding Freedom Within the Chaos and the Soulmate Revolution.

Who This Membership Program Is For

✅ You're so timid and shy that it's challenging to make connections, get noticed for opportunities, or attract respect and admiration from others.

Insecurity is a constant companion, preventing you from cultivating the fulfilling relationships you deserve at work, at home, and in your social circle.

Persistent worry, fear, and anxiety are clouding your enjoyment of life, making even simple pleasures seem out of reach.

Crippling social anxiety has you feeling isolated and on the verge of giving up on seeking the life you once imagined for yourself.

A lack of confidence is muffling your voice, leaving you in the background when you should be communicating clearly and confidently in social and professional settings.

Who This Membership Is NOT For

❌ You’re not ready to embrace change, take action on personal development, or commit to a process of growth through structured coaching and community support.

You're content with your current level of personal growth

You prefer self-reflection as your best teacher for your growth

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What exactly is the Zen Zone Mastery Program? 

The Zen Zone Mastery Program is an exclusive membership that offers a step-by-step method for personal development, focusing on achieving a calm mind, self-confidence, and heart-centered relationships. It includes a self-coaching system, a supportive community, and bi-weekly coaching calls.

Who is the Zen Zone Mastery Program for? 

It's for anyone who feels overwhelmed by stress, struggles with self-doubt, or wants to improve their confidence and interpersonal relationships. It's particularly beneficial for those who want to take active steps towards personal growth and need structured guidance to do so.

What makes this program different from other self-help or personal development programs?

Unlike generic self-help programs, the Zen Zone Mastery offers personalized coaching, a supportive community, and a unique 9-step Zen Zone Mindset Method designed to provide long-lasting transformation.

How much time will I need to commit to this program each week?

You should plan to dedicate at least 2-3 hours per week to the program. This includes engaging with the materials, participating in the community, and attending the bi-weekly coaching calls.

What can I expect to achieve by the end of this program?

By the end of the program, you can expect to have a toolkit of strategies for managing stress, a clearer sense of self-confidence, improved relationship skills, and a personal action plan for continued growth.

How are the bi-weekly coaching calls conducted?

The coaching calls are conducted online via a video conferencing platform, allowing you to join from anywhere. Calls are interactive and designed to offer personalized guidance and support.

Will I have direct access to the coach for personal guidance?

Yes, during the bi-weekly coaching calls and through the community platform, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and receive direct feedback and guidance from the coach.

Is there a community aspect to this program?

Absolutely! We have an active online community where members can share experiences, offer support, and learn from each other. Community interaction is a core part of the Zen Zone Mastery membership experience.

What if I'm unable to attend the live coaching calls?

If you can't make a live call, don't worry – all sessions are recorded and will be made available for you to watch at your convenience.

Can I join the program if I'm dealing with severe anxiety or depression?

While the Zen Zone Mastery Program can provide tools to help manage stress and anxiety, it's not a substitute for professional medical or psychological treatment. We recommend consulting with a healthcare provider before joining if you have severe conditions.

What is your refund policy if I decide the program isn't for me?

We offer a satisfaction guarantee with a full refund within the first 7 days if you feel the program isn't the right fit for you.

How long do I have access to the program materials?

Once you join the Zen Zone Mastery Program, you'll have access to all current program materials and any future updates as long as you stay a member.

Are there any additional costs involved after I join?

There are no hidden fees or additional required costs after you join. Your membership includes all program features as outlined on our sales page.

How soon can I start seeing results from the program?

Results can vary, but many members start to see positive changes in their mindset and stress levels within the first few weeks of active participation.

Is this program suitable for people in all lines of work and at any stage in their career?

Yes, the Zen Zone Mastery Program is designed to be universally applicable, whether you're just starting out, in mid-career, or approaching new life transitions.

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DISCLAIMER: The work stated on this landing page and discussed in the program are results of previous or existing clients. Please understand that these results may not be typical. We're not implying that you will be able to duplicate them once you participate in this program. The average person who buys "how to" information gets little to no results. We're using these references for example purposes only. You results will vary and depend on my factors, including but not limited to your background, experience and work ethic. All results entail a significant amount of risk as well as massive and consistent effort. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE this program.